Officer's Club & Post Exchange Electrical Upgrade


Officer's Club & Post Exchange Electrical Upgrade

Client: Army Corps of Engineers, Marine Corps Recruit Depot

Location: San Diego, CA

Lopez Engineering, Inc. (LEI)  investigated the condition of the electrical systems for two  buildings to evaluate their condition and to propose necessary upgrades.  LEI proceeded through design and managed the project’s installation as Project Engineer.

The Investigation Report included condition documentation of all electrical panelboards, measurement of momentary (ampacity) and voltage readings at each panelboard, verification of momentary current, voltage, power, and power factor readings at the main switchboard, inspection and diagram of the overall electrical system including detailed assessment of both building’s lighting systems.

Detail design of the electrical upgrade included: Removal of exterior above ground pull boxes, existing feeders, panelboards, switchgear, and equipment no longer functional.  Renovation design consisted of electrical panelboards, additional panelboards, new feeders, new interior switchgear, and redirection of feed to building electrical panelboards from the main switchgear. Lighting design upgrades included: consolidation of lighting to a universal and more efficient lamp, redesign of lighting layout eliminating dark areas, glare, and lighting inefficiencies.  Installation of lighting controls and enhancement of exterior illumination and security lighting.

The overall project design simplified the existing electrical system, corrected deficiencies and safety hazards in the existing system, and provided enhanced flexibility for deleting, modifying, or adding building electrical loads.