Electrical Services for UNMH Commissioning of Engine Generators 4 & 5 at UNMH & BBRP Hospitals

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Electrical Services for UNMH Commissioning of Engine Generators 4 & 5 at UNMH & BBRP Hospitals

Client: University of New Mexico Hospital (UNMH)

Location: Albuquerque, NM

Lopez Engineering, Inc. (LEI) was contracted as a third party reviewer of the generator 4 & 5 project for the University of New Mexico Hospital.  Responisilities included review of the construction documents, contracts from contractors, and commissioning procedures provided by the design engineer.  At the onset of the project, the installation and commissioning of the engine generators was nearly one (1) year behind schedule. 

Review of the construction drawings and specifications revealed that all project requirements were not being met, including NFPA 110 required tests.  The required tests included full load tests of each new generator and system acceptance testing which required a primary power failure be initiated by opening ALL switches or breakers supplying primary power to the facility.  Upon review of this requirement, the state fire marshal refused to allow such a test on an existing Trama One center.  The design engineer then had to alter the project specification requirments to the new, not yet adopted, 2010 Edition of the NFPA 110, which required a power failure be simulated by opening the normal feed to one of the hosital’s automatic transfer switches.  

In addition to reviewing the contract documents and ensuring the Hospital received the system designed, LEI provided Submittal reviews, site inspections, witnessed systems testing and attended weekly coordination meetings. LEI provided third party review of UNMH’s Engine Generator 4 & 5 commissioning.  LEI reviewed the documents, developed a list of all requirements contained in the contract documents, developed a commissioning document including sign offs for all testing and close out requirements associated with the commissioning.