National City Boulevard Streetscape and Fountain Plaza Promenade Improvements


National City Boulevard Streetscape and Fountain Plaza Promenade Improvements

Client: Project Design Consultants

Location: National City, CA

Lopez Engineering, Inc. (LEI) designed the electrical and lighting section of the National City Boulevard Streetscape. The streetscape consisted of the rehabilitation of a 6.5-block area of National City Boulevard from 12th Street to 7th Street that includes a Fountain Plaza/Promenade.

The project included coordination with SDG&E for Point of Connection (POC) locations and trenching standards. Drawings included references to detailed construction procedures for trenching, light pole installation and miscellaneous lighting installations.

LEI designed the power system for the streetlights with a maximum voltage drop of 5%, by performing voltage drop calculations, from the point of connection to the farthest light fixture. These were performed to ensure correct wire and conduit sizes. Light poles and lighting fixtures were selected corresponding with the City of National City standards and light level requirements. Lighting for the Fountain Plaza Promenade included the strategic placement of lights to enhance architectural features of the central square for outdoor markets, landscaping, benches, and bicycle facilities.

Maintenance receptacles were laid out along the median of Plaza Boulevard. These receptacles were designed to feed temporary lighting as well as electric powered landscaping tools and machinery.