Thoreau Middle School Renovation
and Addition
Thoreau Middle School Renovation and Addition
Client: Dyron Murphy Architects
Location: Thoreau, NM
Lopez Engineering, Inc. (LEI), subcontractor to Dyron Murphy Architects, provided electrical design services to Thoreau Middle School in Thoreau, New Mexico. The challenge for this project was that the existing school must remain fully operational during construction. The Middle School housed 300 students and 43 staff members.
The project was broken down into three phases: Renovation, new construction, and demolition. The renovation consisted of the Maintenance Shop (1,819sf), Wood Shop (4,133sf), Hogan Building (9,314sf), Gym Main Court (6,172sf), and 1988 Classroom Wing (15,114sf) a total of 36, 552 sf. The new construction was for the Admin/Classroom Wing (11,088sf), Cafeteria/Kitchen (5,319sf), and Locker Rooms (1,898sf) a total of 18,305sf. The demolition consisted of the Existing Administration (5,962sf), and Existing Lockers & Stage (2,384sf) a total of 8,346 sf. LEI performed verification for the locations of the utility services, created a Basis of Design described the electrical systems and methods to be used in satisfying the site and buildings’ electrical requirements, and completed a condition assessment survey to investigate existing electrical service and distribution system.
Electrical design for this project consisted of the following: field work, review of existing drawings, calculations (load, voltage drop, and short circuit), lighting, power and special system floor plans. Special systems included: telephone, data/comm outlets, fire alarm, PA system, and security system. LEI provided construction documents to include an electrical site plan with utility conduit routing from the utility POCs to their respective building entrances, electrical floor plans with receptacle branch circuits, and provided electrical panelboard schedules. LEI also provided construction administrative services and support during bidding and construction.