SDUPD - 10th Ave Marine Terminal Infrastructure Upgrade Telephone & Fire Alarm
SDUPD - 10th Ave Marine Terminal Infrastructure Upgrade Telephone & Fire Alarm
Client: Unified Port of San Diego
Location: San Diego, CA
The Unified Port of San Diego engaged Lopez Engineering, Inc. (LEI) to upgrade the underground telephone and signal manhole system at 10th Ave Marine Terminal. The new system was installed throughout the existing manhole layout before the existing system was removed to keep the clients up and running with no down time for the telephone system. The Fire Alarm system was able to have down time with around the clock watch of affected areas. Communication with 10th Avenue Marine Terminal Tenants was critical both during design and construction as were accurate Cost Estimates based on current market prices, which were submitted at each deliverable: 30%, 60%, 90%, and Final. After construction was complete LEI participated with the Unified Port of San Diego and the Contractor to commission the Fire Alarm and Telephone system.
The Unified Port of San Diego provided site plans including the Telephone Manhole (TMH) locations. These were used as a base for LEI to create accurate as-builts of the existing TMH system for both Telephone and Fire Alarm systems. Field work served as a basis for cable routing and single line drawings of the Telephone and Fire Alarm systems. These, in turn, enabled the development of demolition and installation phasing to keep the telephone system functional.
The Main Point of Entry (MPOE) at 980 Gull Street, previously designed by LEI, was the telephone project’s beginning point. Newly created building Telephone Points of Entry served as the Telephone Projects end points. After the telephone system was converted from the old to new, the demolition of the old system took place. Prior to installing new cable, abandoned cables identified during the field investigation were removed to free up conduit spaces allowing installation of the new telephone system. The removed Fire Alarm (FA) system utilized the telephone cable system whereas the new FA System used fiber optic cable between buildings containing stand-alone Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP) that communicate with each other and with the main FACP at the main Guard Shack. The FA System in each building was replaced with an addressable FA system utilizing addressable FA devices. Existing aluminum conduits were replaced with concrete encased duct banks.