NASNI Sewer Pump Station 356 Condition Assessment Survey


NASNI Sewer Pump Station 356 Condition Assessment Survey

Client: SDG&E

Location: Coronado, CA

Lopez Engineering, Inc. (LEI) was contracted by SDG&E to provide commissioning services for the NASNI Sewer Pump Station Naval Air Station, North Island. LEI was to make sure services were in accordance with the “Retrofit of Sewer Pump Station Pump Station 356 Start Up Plan” prepared by the design engineering firm of record, R. W. Beck.

Sewer Pump Station 356 consisted of refurbishing the wet and dry wells, installing two new Fairbanks-Morse pumps with 40 HP motors, providing VFDs for motor start-up, installing a commutator (muffin monster), installing a PLC, providing controls, and connecting and programming the PLC to connect to the NASNI main base control system.

Engineering services included: review of contract documents including drawings and specifications, review of start up and commissioning plans, witnessing contractor performed tests, signing and obtaining signatures for start up and commissioning documents for tests successfully completed, and preparing deficiency punch lists and examining electrical installation for compliance with contract documents.